Sunday, May 21, 2006

The da Vinci code

That's what everybody is talking about nowadays, apart from the reservations issue of course. And frankly, I don't get the whole hoolaballoo about The da Vinci Code. The way I see it, Dan Brown wrote a book, Ron Howard made a movie on that book. End of story. If people think that the movie is offensive, they would do well not to watch it. If they think that the book is offensive, they'd better not read it. Me? I read the sure is a good read. Have I seen the movie? No. Do I want to see it? Oh hell yes!

There is one thing that sticks in my can people's faith be so brittle so as to be shaken by one frikkin book? Does the "The da Vinci Code" mean more to the Christians than the Bible? Does that reach out more? Do Hussains paintings mean more to the Hindus than the Ramayan?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe good one mate
jus calm down on the issue
its jus a topic raised by some antisocial elements... who have no other wrk to do