Tuesday, February 21, 2006

UTLK 2.6

Got my hands on a copy of `Understanding the Linux kernel, 3e'. Problem is..it was in the compressed HTML format, which is proprietary. So, had to find a reader that does the job in GNU/Linux. Tried FBReader, but it didn't work. Then decided to try xCHM. Turns out..it requires wxWidgets! So..back to square one..download and compile wxWidgets. Then got xCHM to work. The interface is GTK+ based..but I guess I have to configure wxWidgets to work with Qt. But currently, it works. Funny thing was that after a long time I wished I was on Debian. Instead of all the compile stuff, would have done an apt-get install. Maybe..in a few months..after Kubuntu Dapper is out.

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